Health and Safety

Approved by the Board on 22 June 2017 and updated regularly (Feb 2023), the Board will act as the Health, Safety and Environment Committee by considering specific agenda items at every board meeting.


  • The Board will adopt as required, project and activity specific Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) Policies and related procedures, and ensure compliance with these policies.
  • The Company conducts its operations in accordance with the PACIA and APPEA Codes of practice.
  • The Chief Executive Officer is accountable for providing executive leadership to ensure the Company’s HS&E policies and procedures are complied with on a day to day basis. 

The Company’s policy is to conduct its operations in a manner that protects the safety of employees, contractors, customers and the public. The Company will seek to prevent all accidents and injuries. The Company will seek to identify and eliminate or manage safety risks associated with its activities. To this end the Company’s policy is to:

  • Build and maintain facilities, establish management and operational systems and provide the necessary training to ensure operations of the Company safeguard people and property. • Ensure all employees and contractors understand their responsibility and accountability for the safe performance of their duties.
  • Respond effectively to emergencies or accidents resulting from its operations in harmony with authorised government agencies.
  • Comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations.
  • Evaluate its operations to ensure, and have measurement systems in place to monitor, compliance with this policy and to improve safety performance.


It is the Company’s policy to:

  • Identify and evaluate health risks related to its operations that potentially affect its employees, contractors and the public.
  • Implement appropriate protective measures and programs to manage such risks.
  • Determine from time to time the medical fitness of employees to do their work without undue risk to themselves and their co-workers are appropriate. Review and put in place appropriate procedures to achieve that.
  • Comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations and apply responsible standards where regulations do not exist.
  • Evaluate its operations to ensure compliance with this policy.